Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Urban Chickens!

A trend I have noticed as I drive through our westside neighborhoods are several homes with urbanized chicken coops! I find this very intriguing, as does our 9 year old daughter, and we look forward to driving by to see if the chickens are out.

Recently while visiting my friend Katie, I was surprised to learn that her 12 year old daughter, Sarah, had taken on this hobby of raising chickens. Sarah saved her babysitting money (with a contribution from mom and dad too!) and for a total investment of about $250 was able to purchase the chicks, starter kit, and a coop built out of red wood from a century old barn. 
The chicks were 1 day old when Sarah got them, they are 3 different breeds, and she has named them all. Two Buff Orpingtons named Sunshine and Dandy. Two Black Sex Links named Pepper and Star. One Rhode Island Red named Penny. So they are truly pets as much as a hobby.
The chickens, now 4 months old, will begin laying eggs later this month. Sarah anticipates between the 5 hens there will be about 70 eggs to collect each week. The coop requires cleaning about every 3 days, and Sarah lets the chickens graze around the backyard nearly everyday.
Sarah did her homework and chose the three breeds for their hardiness and their ability to thrive in their coop. Her winter plan includes a heat lamp and the moveable coop allows for portability to the garage on the colder winter days.
So, hoping that I get to buy some fresh eggs from Sarah soon, as a chicken coop is not in my future!

If you are curious to know the city ordinance governing chickens in the city of Des Moines, check out this link.

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